147: TWIN PETES INVESTING Podcast no.94: The TwinPetesInvesting Challenge Top 20 Stocks picked, InSpecs Future Sureserve Sosandar 7Digital EKF Eurasia Mining Tekcapital PCT Relx JTC STVG SAL CREI REIT Dividends FTSE 100 ATH, AIM 100, Investing Trading, Menphys

Published: Feb. 10, 2023, 12:05 a.m.


The topics, stocks and shares mentioned/discussed include:
\\nThe TwinPetesInvesting Challenge Top 20 Stocks picked
\\nTwinPetes Menphys Charity Appeal please make a donation on the TwinPetes Investing Challenge 2023 Just Giving Page https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/twinpeteschallenge23
\\nFuture plc / FUTR
\\nCeres Power / CWR
\\nSosandar / SOS
\\nCustodian Property Income REIT / CREI
\\nFTSE100 New All time high
\\nAIM 100
\\nConcerns for the retail space
\\n7Digital / 7DIG
\\nInSpecs Group / SPEC
\\nSureserve / SURE
\\nEKF Diagnostics / EKF
\\nTekcapital / TEK
\\nMore takeovers / More Profit warnings
\\nEurasia Mining / EUA
\\nSpaceAndPeople / SAL
\\nRelx / REL
\\nJTC Group / JTC
\\nSTV Group / STVG
\\nPolar Capital Technology Trust / PCT
\\nTrading & more.
\\nThe Twin Petes Challenge 2023 / Charity fundraise for the MENPHYS Charity. Have you enjoyed one or more of these podcasts. Yes . Then please make a donation , every pound will help. JUST GIVING TWIN PETES FUNDRAISING FOR THE MENPHYS CHARITY https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/twinpeteschallenge23 Thank you.
\\nThe Twin Petes Investing podcasts will be linked to and written about on the Conkers3 website and also on the WheelieDealer website . Thank you for reading this article and listening to this podcast, we hope you enjoyed it. Please share this article with others that you know will find it of interest. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE TWIN PETES INVESTING PLATFORM THAT YOU ARE LISTENING TO THIS PODCAST ON. THANK YOU.