128: TWIN PETES INVESTING Podcast no.75 with special guest, From high risk investing/trading to dividend investment portfolio, Dividend yield, RR. BP FSFL GSK NIO KIE JLEN AMT BOO AZN SMT SPE VTY WMT PNN BME PTON TSCO OCDO Tesla Bitcoin Cryptocurrencies &

Published: May 21, 2022, 9:23 a.m.


The topics, stocks and shares mentioned/discussed include:
\\nFrom high risk investing/trading to dividend investment portfolio
\\nBuying stocks because you know their product/brands
\\nGlobal investing
\\nDividend yields
\\nKeep things simple
\\nBitcoin / Cryptocurrencies
\\nTesla / TSLA
\\nElon Musk
\\nLessons / Learning
\\nMistakes & Improvements
\\nDay trading / Swing trading
\\nCompartmentalising investments
\\nFractional investing
\\nStarting small
\\nNIO Electric vehicles
\\nForesight Solar Fund Ltd / FSFL
\\nKier / KIE
\\nJLEN Environmental Assets Group / JLEN
\\nAmerican Tower REIT / AMT
\\nRolls Royce / RR
\\nNuclear Energy
\\nBooHoo / BOO
\\nWarren Buffett / Charlie Munger
\\nAveraging up / Averaging down
\\nScottish Mortgage Investment Trust / SMT
\\nFundamental Analysis
\\nTechnical Analysis
\\nSopheon / SPE
\\nVistry / VTY
\\nB&M European Value Retail / BME
\\nWalmart / WMT
\\nPennon /PNN
\\nConstruction / Infrastructure
\\nAstraZeneca / AZN
\\nSetting alerts
\\nPeloton Interactive / PTON
\\nOcado / OCDO
\\nTesco / TSCO
\\nRisks in retailers
\\nUsing alerts
\\nKnowing yourself
\\nDow Jones / DJIA
\\nS&P 500 / SPX
\\nFTSE 100
\\nFear & Greed index
\\nSkin in the game
\\nFear of missing out / FOMO
\\n& more
\\nThe Twin Petes Challenge 2022 / Charity fundraise for the BACK UP Charity\\n
The Twin Petes Investing podcasts will be linked to and written about on the Conkers3 website and also on the WheelieDealer website .
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