Play-by-Play | May 31, 2024

Published: May 31, 2024, 7:30 a.m.

b"Panda politics, bullfight bans, and Google\\u2019s big blunder. Read along online.Welcome to the Play-by-Play. Every other week, we\\u2019re taking three recent stories from our God\\u2019s WORLD News publications and breaking them down to help you spark conversation in the home or the classroom.Today's stories:Discover: Pandas are back. Read it at God\\u2019s Big WORLD ( ( Bullfight ban. Read it at WORLDkids ( ( Google AI Gets a Makeover. Read it at WORLDteen ( ('s Conversation Kickoff: What are your favorite traditions? They could be family traditions, church traditions, or traditions in your local community!But\\xa0God, being\\xa0rich in mercy,\\xa0because of the great love with which he loved us,\\xa0even\\xa0when we were dead in our trespasses,\\xa0made us alive together with Christ\\u2014by grace you have been saved\\u2014and raised us up with him and\\xa0seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. \\u2014 Ephesians 2:4-6"