A Christian response to anti-Semitism

Published: Dec. 6, 2023, 8:30 a.m.

b'Anti-Semitic incidents around the globe have increased since the start of the Israel/Hamas war. What is anti-Semitism, and how should Christian parents and educators respond?\\xa0Check out The Concurrently Companion (https://media.gwnews.com/images/articles/Concurrently-Ep-48-Companion-Printable.pdf) for this week\\u2019s downloadable episode guide including discussion questions and scripture for further study. Sign up for the News Coach Newsletter at gwnews.com/newsletters (https://gwnews.com/newsletters).We would love to hear from you. You can send us a message at newscoach@wng.org (mailto:newscoach@wng.org). What current events or cultural issues are you wrestling through with your kids and teens? Let us know. We want to work through it with you.See more from the News Coach (https://gwnews.com/newscoach/), including episode transcripts.Further Resources:* Listen to our previous episode, \\u201cIsrael, Hamas, and worldviews at war.\\u201d (https://newscoach.gwnews.com/podcasts/42-israel-hamas-and-worldviews-at-war)* For more on the Big 5, see our Big 5 article (https://newscoach.gwnews.com/articles/the-big-5-a-tool-for-conversational-learning) and our Big 5 episode (https://newscoach.gwnews.com/podcasts/exploring-news-with-the-big-5).* To further define anti-Semitism, visit the Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (https://www.holocaustremembrance.com/resources/working-definitions-charters/working-definition-antisemitism).* For more info on the phrase \\u201cfrom the river to the sea,\\u201d see the American Jewish Committee (https://www.ajc.org/translatehate/From-the-River-to-the-Sea) and the Conversation (https://theconversation.com/from-the-river-to-the-sea-a-palestinian-historian-explores-the-meaning-and-intent-of-scrutinized-slogan-217491).Concurrently is produced by God\\u2019s WORLD News. We provide current events materials for kids and teens that show how God is working in the world. To learn more about God\\u2019s WORLD News and browse sample magazines,'