579. Unlock Good Energy: Paleo Metabolism vs. Modern Food with Dr. Casey Means

Published: June 13, 2024, 7 a.m.

This is the third in a four-part Good Energy series with Dr. Casey Means. Here Casey and Jeff explore how our hunter-gatherer genes are wildly mismatched with our modern way of living, leading to metabolic health issues. With these mismatches in mind, Casey outlines steps we can take in our nutrition, sleep, exercise, and social practices to realign our habits with our biology.

Visit onecommune.com/metabolism to watch Dr. Casey\u2019s Commune course, Optimize Your Metabolism, free for 5 days.

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Timeline Nutrition is pioneering a new approach to longevity, one that stands on a decade of scientific discovery to unlock the power within your cells. Your body is an energy generating machine, Timeline makes it more powerful. Use code COMMUNE to get 10% off at timelinenutrition.com/commune.