EP. 9 The V Word - Understanding Vegan Fashion with Treen

Published: July 6, 2020, 2 a.m.


As many of us try to live more consciously, vegan diets and vegan fashion are more popular than ever. But does vegan always mean sustainable? Is all vegan leather just plastic? And how can vegan shoppers balance animals, people and the planet? We also interview Cat Anderson, owner of Edinburgh vegan clothing boutique Treen.


For more updates on the ethical fashion conversation, follow Common Threads on Instagram, like us on Facebook, and join the conversation on Twitter. Buy us a virtual coffee here.


You\\u2019ll find Ruth on Instagram: @ruthmacgilp_ and Twitter @ruthmacgilp


You\\u2019ll find Alice on Instagram: @styledbyalicex and Twitter: @styledbyalice

