Superman is Awesome - Paige Campbell - Ep 58

Published: Sept. 25, 2021, 3:03 a.m.

Lots of great reading suggestions this week. Why does Paige like Superman and why do other people hate him? If you had Superman's power, would you use it for good? Why do we read comics over and over again? Which Marvel creators participate in Facebook Groups? What comic did Brett leave in the spinner rack? What comics are appropriate for kids? What are DC's Black Label comics? What popular character does Paige not like? What does Brett like about "Loki"? Is Aquaman cool now?

Reading list: Superman Red Son; Doom Patrol by Grant Morrison; All-Star Superman; Batman Incorporated; Joe The Barbarian; Grant Morrison's X-Men; Fantastic Four by Neal Adams and Mark Waid; Dark Nights: Metal; The Question (1980s series); Static Shock (current and older); Joker by Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo; Deadpool Corps; Deadpool by Gerry Duggan and Brian Posehn; Shazam!: The Monster Society of Evil; Scott Snyder's Batman (New 52); Batman Court of Owls storyline; Wytches (Image Comics); Brian Azzarello's Wonder Woman run

Watch list: Superman and Lois; Doom Patrol

Recorded 9-23-21 via Cleanfeed