The TRUTH about QYLD's Taxes Comes Out!

Published: March 3, 2022, 3:39 p.m.


Last week I put out a video speculating that QYLD\'s dividend would not be a Return on Capital (RoC) but instead taxed as ordinary income. That means I would not get to defer taxes by lowering my cost basis but instead pay more taxes on the distributions in my highest income bracket.  Global X put out monthly estimates showing upwards of 90% would be RoC\'s , but based on their 2021 Tax Form for all their products seems like this will be ordinary dividends indeed. Does QYLD still have a place in my portfolio after this? Income ETFs like QYLD, NUSI and JEPI may pay high dividends but a lot of that is being given up to taxes. Follow me on my YouTube: CitizenoftheYear!

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