S5 : E04 Just Do It for YOU

Published: April 23, 2021, 11 a.m.

b"S5 E03: In this Episode, I pull a older Patreon Exclusive Episode that is very relevant today. It spoke to me in regards to what I have going on in my business. It not only provides some motivation, but inspiration to just do it for YOU. It's not about who is there when you finish, but the relief you feel when you complete something that means a lot to you. That's what success in my eyes is all about.

\\nI wanted to get this message off my chest. I want you to stop the excuses and JUST DO IT. \\xa0This was mot def a good story to share and show you that I'm gonna be ready when ever I get a chance to just do it. After the work you've done you should finish it. No matter what happens next. The success comes in finishing something you started. So if you want a spiritual breakthrough or a new found connection with money and manifesting.\\n\\xa0Check out my 31 Days of Money Magic Challenge. If you are an author and want to check out In Between Novels interactive journal the link to purchase is below.\\xa0\\n31 Days Of Money Magic : https://gumroad.com/l/MoneyMagicChallenge\\nRuin This Book | Author Interactive Journal\\xa0https://amzn.to/2RxANS4\\n.......................\\nbit.ly/easymoneystarterpack1\\xa0\\nPrintful Ad Affiliate Link : bit.ly/PrintfulCC\\xa0\\nGusto Ad Affiliate Link : bit.ly/gustoCC\\xa0\\nCoins And Connections | Books, Business and Bullshit. Learn, Listen and take away Lessons from an ultimate Side Hustler and Business Motivator. Cinquanta is an Author and Entrepreneur that takes you on a journey of discovery, real life situations, interviews, educational content and the most important part is She teaches you how to snatch some coins right from your home and in your spare time.\\xa0\\nSubscribe & Share \\u203c\\ufe0f Love You More Than I Love This Podcast.\\xa0\\nSHOW NOTES http://cinquantacoxsmith.com/season-5-episode-03/\\xa0\\nIG: instagram.com/cinquantacoxsmith\\xa0\\nTwitter : twitter.com/smileyquanta_\\xa0\\nSnapchat : smileyquanta\\xa0\\nFacebook : Cinquanta Cox-Smith\\xa0\\nwww.facebook.com/cinquantacoxsmith\\xa0\\nPinterest : Smileyquanta\\xa0\\nwww.cinquantacoxsmith.com\\xa0\\nwww.coinsandconnections.com\\xa0\\nEmail : hello@coinsandconnections.com\\xa0\\nCourses: www.gumroad.com/cinquantacoxsmith\\xa0\\nCheck out my YouTube Channel Here: www.youtube.com/smileyquanta\\xa0\\nWant to learn how to self-publish your own book? Order my new Book How To Self-Publish Under $100 Here: http://amzn.to/2cgLu62\\xa0\\xa0\\nAudio Program \\xa92020 \\u2013 Coins And Connections, LLC. \\u2013 All Rights Reserved \\u2013 No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Coins And Connections, LLC. Sponsorships: on for this episode\\n\\n--- \\n\\nSend in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/coinsandconnections/message"