S3 Ep24: 121: Better organic content on Facebook

Published: March 22, 2021, 9:30 p.m.

When it comes to reaching people beyond a fraction of those who follow you, organic reach is almost dead on Facebook. And I say almost, because it can be resurrected. And it\u2019s not dead for everyone. So what does it take to get your organic reach moving in a positive direction? It\u2019s about producing content that:\n

  • Engages your audience and prompts them to interact
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  • Educates your audience and prompts them to want to learn more
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  • And excites your audience into doing something
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\n\nContent That Engages\n
\n\nThe first kind of content that we\u2019ll look at is the kind that gets people engaging with you. And by engaging, we\u2019re talking about reactions, comments and shares. Now think about it. What kind of content makes you react, comment of share? It\u2019s generally something that you\u2019re interested in, or that someone you know would be interested in. Now think about your business. What happens at your business, or with your product that would be interesting enough for someone to tap on the like, or even comment on what you\u2019ve posted?\n
\n\nEngaging content is only engaging when you know who your target audience is, and what about your products or services, is actually interesting to them. Given that people are largely self-interested, you need to work out what is in it for them. And beyond that, what is the feeling that someone wants from having bought you stuff or engaged your services.\n
\n\nIs it status? Is it a feeling of wellbeing? Do people feel safe when they buy your products? Or does it make them feel more attractive? When you can tap into what feeling someone gets when they buy your products or engage your services, you\u2019re on the way to writing posts that really get noticed.\n
\n\nContent That Educates\n
\n\nThere are certain types of businesses that nail this one. Software companies, coaches, personal trainers and food-related businesses really understand that education is the key to sales. This is because showing people how to use your product or how your service makes their life better, brings them one step closer to buying from you. This is what we could call a \u201cmiddle of the funnel\u201d activity because if you\u2019ve already got them engaging with you, then they know who you are and a primed to learn more about you. Which is where the educational post comes in.\n
\n\nWhen you educate someone further on how your services answer a core problem that they need solved - or how to use your product to make their lives easier, you are putting a picture in their head of how they can bring your business into their life. And if they are already rehearsing their dealings with you in their head, they are only a very short step away from becoming your customer.\n
\n\nEducational content can be a how-to video or an infographic that shows how your service leads to a desirable outcome in their life, It could be a photo showing an example of how your thing can be used, or even a step by step written post on the many things that your training or coaching brings into their life. Again, the whole point of listing all this good stuff is to create a picture in their head of them using your product or service. Because the brain can\u2019t tell the difference between imagination or reality, you\u2019re laying down a new neural pathway that is ready to be reinforced with more of your educational posts down the track.\n
\n\nContent that Excites\n
\n\nExciting content isn\u2019t exciting because it makes someone go \u201cwow!\u201d It\u2019s about the original definition of excitement, which is about prompting someone to take action. And in your case, that action is usually booking a call with you or buying something from you. But excitement can also be used to do other things, like take action for a cause you are promoting. Or take action to check-in on a neighbour over the holidays. In fact, it pays to vary around your calls to action so that you\u2019re not always saying the same thing. When your call to action is always \u201cBook me!\u201d Or \u201cShop Now\u201d the excitement is harder to replicate because calls to action, when repeated, get ignored. If you\u2019ve ever read the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf, then you\u2019ll know what I\u2019m saying here. Eventually, your high-impact statements are not so high impact. In much the same way that we all now know that Harvey Norman isn\u2019t really having a different sale every weekend. You can do most of the same deals with their staff any weekend of the year.\n
\n\nContent that excites action can be a sale, a new product, a new way to use your product, a promotion, or a community cause that you're raising funds or attention for. The key to excitement is that you\u2019re bringing something NEW to the mix when you post. Not just repeating the same \u201cexciting\u201d opportunity to book a free discovery call with you.\n
\n\nA Consistent Approach Wins Over Time\n
\n\nNow that you know what to post, the hardest part to get right is the consistency. Anyone who has built a big community of followers knows that when they don\u2019t keep up the regular content that engages, educates or excites, the engagement and sales drop right off. So you\u2019ll need to stick at this for a while. And I\u2019m not just talking about a month here. I\u2019m talking 3-6 months minimum, but 12 months is ideal. It takes time for you to build up a habit. But it takes your followers even longer to build up a habit of engaging with you.\n
\n\nWant to know more, hit the Learn tab at Clickstarter.com.au and start on the road to helping your Aussie business to get known, get found and stay known.