S1 Ep157: Does spelling and grammar matter?

Published: June 4, 2021, 3:08 a.m.

Everyone knows a grammar prince or princess. You know, the ones who correct all your spelling and grammar online like it\u2019s their divine right? Well, they might be on to something, given a recent update from Google.\n\xa0\nThis is Clickstarter, the Australian Digital Marketing podcast. I\u2019m Dante St James.\n\xa0\nIt might feel like our grammar-loving friends may be unintentionally helping us to rank better on Google. In the past week, Google announced that sites that don\u2019t meet a new set of professional and editorial standards may be dropped from their merchant program. This comes with the assumption that your site might not rank particularly well in search either.\n\xa0\nThe move by Google is designed to improve the shopping experience for customers who find products via Google.\n\xa0\nSo what are the new guidelines that Google is pushing?\n\xa0\n1.\xa0 \xa0 \xa0Content that is unnecessarily difficult or frustrating to navigate\n2.\xa0 \xa0 \xa0Sites where shipping, returns and contact info is incomplete or out of date\n3.\xa0 \xa0 \xa0Spelling and clear use of language\n\xa0\nSo how can you make sure that your website and online store is not on Google\u2019s naughty list?\n\xa0\nClear navigation and non-intrusive elements\n\xa0\nThe first item that Google mentions is one that annoys the hell out of me. Use of pop-ups that bug you to sign up for newsletters before you\u2019ve even had a chance to properly view the product or read the features of a service. This is flagged as a particularly strong annoyance to shoppers and Google believes that it\u2019s not only bad for customer experience, but the spam-iness of it tends to give the impression that the store or site is not professional and only there to gather email address for spam purposes. Which, let\u2019s face it, is what most of these websites are trying to do so that they can relentlessly harass you to buy more stuff.\n\xa0\nGoogle also calls out those sites that make it difficult for people to click on the back button or navigate away from a particular product or service page. Many online stores use all kinds of technical tricks to get you to stay on their page longer with the theory that the longer you are on the page, the more likely you are to buy.\n\xa0\nFinally, in this set of guidelines, Google then wants to make sure that you have working links and menu items. If your site has dropped some pages, and you are yet to update all the places where those pages were internally linked, then you\u2019re at risk here.\n\xa0\nKeeping your policies and contacts up to date\n\xa0\nReturns policies, privacy policies, your store contact info. It\u2019s all pretty important to the customer and that means it\u2019s important to Google as well. So, make sure you have working links to up to date pages for:\n\xa0\n1.\xa0 \xa0 \xa0Your Privacy Policy \u2013 this one is very important now in almost every country. A compliant and up to date privacy policy lets customers and governments know that you are following the rules on data collection.\n2.\xa0 \xa0 \xa0Returns and exchanges policies \u2013 if you don\u2019t have one, most social media platforms will stop you from advertising your products. The same goes for Google. You need to make sure that that your returns and exchanges policies are clear, current and true. If you don\u2019t have them, you will be kicked off the merchant platform.\n3.\xa0 \xa0 \xa0Your contact details need to work. Email addresses that are no longer used, phone numbers that are no longer connected and message forms that don\u2019t work are prime signs that your website is dodgy. Google agrees, and will boot you if you don\u2019t address these issues.\n\xa0\nSpelling and grammar matter\n\xa0\nAnother sign of a dodgy online retailer is the overuse of cute or complicated text that makes a product name or description really hard to read.\n\xa0\nGoogle specifically is calling out there use of numbers replacing letters, spelling errors for common words, overuse of emojis in titles and paragraphs and the use of mixed upper and lower case letters in words that do not need it. Some fo these techniques are used by stores trying to sell to children and teenagers and these formats of writing are often used to try and seem edgy or fresh. But because they essentially just make it hard for everyone to read it, not just the oldies, Google will penalise this.\n\xa0\nSo it will be helpful if you do these things to:\n\xa0\n1.\xa0 \xa0 \xa0Reduce the use of emojis in general\n2.\xa0 \xa0 \xa0Only use uppercase letters where needed\n3.\xa0 \xa0 \xa0Avoid deliberate misspelling.
\n4.\xa0 \xa0 \xa0Edgy spelling makes it hard to understand you and find you