S01E33 Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Published: May 8, 2021, 7 a.m.

b"Nathaniel HawthorneHawthorne was born in 1804 in Salem, Massachussetts. He died in Plymouth New Hampshire. One of his ancestors was John Hathorne who was the only judge in the witch trials who never repented his involvement.His ancestors who came from England in 1630 were Puritans.\\xa0It is thought that Hathorne added the -w- to his name to make it Hawthorne in his twenties in order to distance himself from these fervent ancestors.He published his first work in 1828 when he was twenty-four.\\xa0He published a series of short stories.\\xa0He was a Transcendentalist, a Romantic philosophy which believes in the goodness of human nature and a reliance on intuition and other promptings of the spiritual or natural person rather than relying on reason.Despite his puritan ancestors, Hawthorne liked to take pot shots at puritanism. He is a Romantic and technically what is known as a dark Romantic.\\xa0He is most famous for his novel The Scarlet Letter which was published in 1859.\\xa0Also famous is the House of the Seven Gables. His books often feature themes of sin and the inherent evil of humanity.Young Goodman BrownUnless I\\u2019ve missed it, we are not told what is special about this night that Goodman Brown is going out to have his tryst with the Devil.\\xa0His wife, Faith, wants him to be there with her on this night \\u2018of all nights in the year\\u2019, but he has to go out on this night of all nights in the year. \\xa0He is clearly expecting to meet the Devil and has some business with him, but it\\u2019s not clear to me what that business is.It turns out that all the people he thought pious, including his father and grandfather as well as various deacons and goodies and goodmen of the town and state are wicked to the core.But what was his own mission exactly? I\\u2019m not clear.\\xa0He clearly needs to do his dirty deed on this particular night and afterwardsHe discusses meeting the Devil and then a man appears who has the look of his grandfather, it transpires. This man was in Boston only fifteen minutes previously and that seems pretty fast travel for the Seventeenth Century.\\xa0The Devil says that Brown is late, and Brown answers that, \\u2018Faith kept me back a while.\\u2019\\xa0Ah, yes indeed. Faith has two meanings here, I think.We hear from Good Cloyse that a young man is to be taken into communion with the witches that night, and we hear from Deacon Gookin that a young woman is to be inducted. We realise that this is Faith of course as Hawthorne intends us to, but of which poor Goodman Brown is ignorant. This is called Dramatic Irony according to Robert McKee, where the audience knows more than the character.However, the story is well done. We are led step by step as our Goodman falls deeper into temptation and then, the scales are removed from his eyes and the Devil tells him that evil is the basic currency of human nature. He believes it and henceforth mistrusts the virtue of his own dear wife and his own pastor.\\xa0This is foreshadowed by Hawthorne at the outset of the journey when, after Faith has failed to convince him to stay home, she hopes that he finds all well on his return, to which he replies: \\u2018Amen\\u2019. \\xa0But when he returns has changed all due to his change in attitude, because as Hamlet says,\\xa0\\u2018there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. Goodman Brown is a lukewarm Satanist at the best. He begins by telling Old Nick that he has scruples in the matter that \\u2018thou wots\\u2019t of\\u2019. (You know of. English used to have two verbs for to know, like French and German an Welsh and Irish and other languages I know. One was\\xa0\\u2018to wit\\u2019 which was to know a thing, and the other \\u2018to ken\\u2019 which is to be familiar with or know a person or place. German keeSupport the showVisit us here: www.ghostpod.orgBuy me a coffee if you're glad I do this: https://ko-fi.com/tonywalkerIf you really want to help me, become a Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/barcudMusic by The Heartwood Institute: https://bit.ly/somecomeback\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices"