How Fear Departed The Long Gallery by E F Benson

Published: May 6, 2022, 7 a.m.

b"E F BensonEdward Frederic Benson was born in 1867 at Wellington College, where his father was headmaster,\\xa0 in Berkshire just outside London and died at University College London at the age of 72. His father went on to be Bishop of Truro, and Cornwall features in both his and his brothers\\u2019 stories, and then Archbishop of Canterbury, the highest ranking of the Anglican Church.\\xa0He was the fifth child. His illustrious brother A C Benson wrote the words to Land of Hope and Glory, a patriotic English song and some fine ghost stories, although probably not as good as EF\\u2019s. His other brother also wrote ghost stories but he was a committed Catholic and RH Benson\\u2019s stories often contain religious lessons rather than being merely fun.His sister Margaret was an amateur Egyptologist and author. Two other siblings died young.E F Benson was educated at Marlborough College and then went to King\\u2019s College Cambridge.\\xa0 His first book was Sketches from Marlborough and he was most famous in his lifetime for the Mapp and Lucia comic novel series. Arguably however his ghost stories are his greatest legacy.\\xa0 Some of these including this one How Fear Departed The Long Gallery have comic elements, particularly the kind of humour that observes and gently satirises the social class he moved in \\u2014 otherwise known as the idle rich. A status I aspire to myself, and with your help will one day reach.How Fear Departed The Long GalleryThe story starts with a rather comic picture of a genteel English county family who live in a long occupied ancestral house full of quirky ghosts. Then after the comedy we are told about the scary ghosts: the murdered children, murdered quite horribly by Dirty Dick.\\xa0 It was one of those murders like Richard III, motivated by a desire to wipe out the line and inheritI think the scariness of children is if I may say like that of a doll. It\\u2019s the uncanny valley. They are both like and unlike adults. They look like us, but we cannot be sure they think like us or what they will do. Who is hiding behind the eyes of the child. Anne Rice does this with her child vampire Claudia and there was a child vampire in Skyrim too. Just saying.The servant who first sees the toddlers dies. Then Miss Canning, the great beauty and friend of Voltaire mocks th twins and gets a horrible lichen disease. E F wrote a few horror stories that feature diseases, notably Caterpillars. Colonel Blantyre shot at the poor ghosts. Miss Canning told them to get back into the fire. \\xa0When Madge wakes in the Long gallery after dark and gets lost in the furniture and disorientated that\\u2019s like the Blind. Man\\u2019s Buff story we did. Lighten Our Darkness indeed, and figuratively by mercy.\\xa0 So it\\u2019s a story about redemptionIf You Appreciate The Work I\\u2019ve Put In HereIf You Appreciate The Work I\\u2019ve Put In HereYou could buy me a coffee\\xa0 ( a Patron ( you can join my mailing list and get a\\xa0 free audiobook:\\xa0 ( By The Heartwood Institute*** (***)Support the showVisit us here: www.ghostpod.orgBuy me a coffee if you're glad I do this: you really want to help me, become a Patreon: by The Heartwood Institute:\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"