Episode 131 | Fellowship Creative

Published: Dec. 13, 2023, 10 a.m.

On today's episode, we chat with Derric from Fellowship Creative! Fellowship Creative is a band who wants to help you know Jesus. While most Christian artists begin at their church and then move on, Fellowship Creative is still serving every Sunday at their home church, Fellowship Church. It is there that they reflect the heart of their Pastor, Ed Young, to creatively and passionately introduce people to Jesus. These stories of life change continue to inspire the music of Fellowship Creative. Their most recent project, \u201cTil The Day I Die,\u201d comes from a chapter of grief and loss over the tragic death of friend, family, and team member, LeeBeth Young, the oldest daughter of Ed & Lisa Young. Her death opened up a chapter of asking God tough questions and really working out what it means to trust Jesus. The church was where they processed their pain, and this experience inspired these songs of honest vulnerability, deep introspection, and a renewed level of faith. \xa0Every song and artist has a message they want to share. For Fellowship Creative, its simple - Jesus is the hope of the world. And they\u2019ll be writing songs, serving in their church, and spreading that message \u2018til the day they die. Their latest album, 'The Help Project", is out now!\nfellowshipcreative.com\n@fellowshipcreative\nchristianmusicguys.com\n@christianmusicguys