Interesting Facts with Chase: Bonus Episode Part 7 Harry Potter & The Order of the Phoenix (Chapter 35 - Chapter 38)

Published: March 24, 2021, 11:45 a.m.

b'"This is the Gospel for the fallen ones. Locked away in permanent slumber, assembling their philosophies from pieces of broken memories." - Panic at The Disco\\nCongratulations! You have made it through the largest book in the Harry Potter franchise with Chase and Josh! In this special Bonus episode Chase breaks down the secrets and chambers in the Department of Mysteries.\\xa0\\nDeath, love, thought, space, and the "Hall of Prophecies" the Ministry of Magic\'s Gauntlet is discussed revealing the laws of time, gravity, love shields and ghosts!\\nWhat caused the Spirit Department in the British Ministry of Magic to sentence Moaning Myrtle to the woman\'s bathroom at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for eternity?\\nIs a ghost an actual person?\\xa0\\n"Coloportus!" gasped Hermione and the door sealed itself with an old screeching noise.\\nLearn the origin of the "Dancing Feet Charm" as we kick it up a notch! "Do a little Dance, Make a little Love, Get Down Tarantallegra!"\\nZaccaria Innocenti ancient Roman Warlock invented the "Dancing Feet Spell" and cut it so hard a volcano erupted and it resulted in the death of thousands!\\nDon\'t forget to brush up on your Standard Book of Spells Volumes 1-7 by Miranda Goshawk!\\nThis is one you certainly will not want to miss... Time Turners, Tickling Charms and Tarantallegra!\\xa0\\n"He won\'t come back."\\n"Who?"\\n"Sirius Black," said Nick.\\n"But you did!" said\\xa0 Harry angrily. "You came back- you\'re dead and you didn\'t disappear-"\\n"Wizards can leave an imprint of themselves upon the earth, to walk palely where their living selves once trod," said Nick miserably.\\n"But very few Wizards choose this path."\\n\\xa0\\nThe Spirit Department at the British Ministry of Magic awaits I AIN\'T FRAID OF NO GHOST! "Who you gonna call?" 6-2-4-4-2 "Ministry of MAGIC"!\\nIt\'s the final Interesting facts episode of "Order of the Phoenix" and you will not want to miss it!'