Cleaning Up Like Betty Wright - 11:23:19, 7.51 PM

Published: Nov. 29, 2020, 5:30 p.m.

b'Story by: Gail Nobles
Vocals and Bass and Horns on Keyboard by: Gail Nobles
Other Music arranged by: Gail Nobles
Broom sound by: Mike Koenig/
License: Attribution 3.0
Photo Credit: Keith.walters - Eigen werk
Usage: CC BY-SA 3.0

It\'s Postgirl\'s news break. They laugh at me because I love old school music like Betty Wright. I love the way she sings clean up woman, and today\'s music sure does need cleaning up.
Let me tell you something. Do you hear the sound of the broom? I\'m making room for real music, real songs, and natural sound. They won\'t let me play Betty Wright\'s song, but they can\'t take away what she taught me to do. It\'s inside of me. The clean up woman.
Bring back the natural sound. Bring back what was real. The music. You\'re listening to Postgirl\'s Recordings by Gail Nobles \\xa9 2019.'