218. Guidelines: 2021 ESC Cardiovascular Prevention Question #15 with Dr. Kim Williams

Published: July 5, 2022, 2:57 a.m.

The following question refers to Section 4.3 of the\xa02021 ESC CV Prevention Guidelines.\xa0The question is asked by\xa0CardioNerds Academy Intern\xa0Dr. Maryam Barkhordarian, answered first by pharmacy resident Dr. Anushka Tandon and then by expert faculty\xa0Dr. Kim Williams.\n\nDr. Williams is Chief of the Division of Cardiology and is Professor of Medicine and Cardiology at Rush University Medical Center. He has served as President of ASNC, Chairman of the Board of the Association of Black Cardiologists (ABC, 2008-2010), and President of the American College of Cardiology (ACC, 2015-2016).\n\nThe CardioNerds Decipher The Guidelines Series for the 2021 ESC CV Prevention Guidelines\xa0represents a collaboration with the\xa0ACC Prevention of CVD Section, the\xa0National Lipid Association, and\xa0Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association.\n\nQuestion #15\n\nYour patient mentions that she drinks \u201cseveral\u201d cups of coffee during the day. She also describes having a soda daily with lunch and occasionally a glass of wine with dinner. Which of the following recommendations is appropriate?\n\n\xa0A. Coffee consumption is not harmful and may even be beneficial, regardless of the number of drinks per day.\nB. Drinking two glasses of wine/day is safe from a cardiovascular prevention standpoint.\nC. Soft drinks (and other sugar-sweetened beverages) must be discouraged.\nD. None of the above\n\nListen to this podcast episode!\xa0\n\nAnswer #15\n\nThe correct answer is C.\xa0 Soft drinks (and other sugar-sweetened beverages) must be discouraged.\n\nSugar-sweetened beverages have been associated with a higher risk of CAD and all-cause mortality. The ESC guidelines give a class I recommendation for restriction of free sugar consumption (in particular sugar-sweetened beverages) to a maximum of 10% of energy intake. This is a class IIa recommendation in the ACC/AHA guidelines.\n\nChoice A is incorrect because: the consumption of nine or more drinks a day of non-filtered coffee (such as boiled, Greek, and Turkish coffee and some espresso coffees) may be associated with an up to 25% increased risk of ASCVD mortality. Moderate coffee consumption (3-4 cups per day) is probably not harmful, and perhaps even moderately beneficial.\n\nChoice B is incorrect: It is a class I recommendation to restrict alcohol consumption to a maximum of 100 g per week. The standard drink in the US contains 14 g of alcohol, so 100 mg of alcohol translate to:\n\no\xa0\xa0 84 ounces of beer (5% alcohol)\n\no\xa0\xa0 Or 56 \u2013 63 ounces of malt liquor (75% alcohol) or\n\no\xa0\xa0 Or 35 ounces of wine (12% alcohol) or ONE 5 fl oz glass of wine/day.\n\no\xa0\xa0 Or 31.5 ounces of distilled spirits (40% alcohol).\n\nThe ACC/AHA guidelines recommended limiting alcohol consumption only for the management of hypertension to: \u22642 drinks daily for men and: \u22641 drink daily for women.\n\nMain Takeaway\n\nThe main takeaway: ASCVD risk reduction can be achieved by restricting sugar-sweetened beverages to a maximum of 10% of energy intake.\n\nGuideline Location\n\nSection 4.3.2, Page 3271\n\n\n\nCardioNerds Decipher the Guidelines - 2021 ESC Prevention Series\nCardioNerds Episode Page\nCardioNerds Academy\nCardionerds Healy Honor Roll\n\nCardioNerds Journal Club\nSubscribe to The Heartbeat Newsletter!\nCheck out CardioNerds SWAG!\nBecome a CardioNerds Patron!