Capturing Memories for Children with Cancer in a Low-Resource Setting

Published: April 11, 2023, 8 p.m.


Listen to ASCO\\u2019s JCO Global Oncology\'s essay, \\u201cCapturing Memories for Children with Cancer in a Low-Resource Setting\\u201d by Dr. Allison Silverstein, an Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. This Art of Global Oncology essay is followed by an interview with Silverstein and host Dr. Lidia Schapira. Silverstein shares her launch of a framed picture legacy project in Malawi for those with childhood cancer in a low-resource setting.


Narrator: Capturing Memories for Children With Cancer in a Low-Resource Setting (10.1200/GO.23.00001)

I was the paparazza, capturing salient moments from our program\\u2019s \\u201cPalliative Care Day\\u201d where children with cancer and their guardians played games, completed artwork, sang and danced, and enjoyed meals together.

It was a precious day for these children with life limiting disease to shed the weight of their diagnoses and instead share laughter and joy with one another. As a pediatric resident on a global health year in Malawi, I was invited to document our team\\u2019s activities with the intent to share with potential donors. However, with a click of the camera\\u2019s button, I realized the opportunity for an unintended greater impact. I scrolled through the day\\u2019s pictures and could not help but think the recipients of the pictures should not be strangers, but instead the families or even children themselves. Although families had already provided consent for each picture, they never expected to see them.

Pictures capture moments in ways words cannot describe. Coming from a Western society where we celebrate and honor life in pictures, I wondered what happens when you do not have a camera or phone capable of capturing these events. What visual memories do you have when your child dies? Does it feel differently when remembering a lost child without pictures to look at? Do vivid memories fade and, in time, make it difficult to imagine your child\\u2019s face?

As I reflected on this, I acknowledged the overwhelming frequency of childhood cancer death in our setting\\u2014in contrast to a .80% survival rate for childhood cancer in the United States,1,2 the childhood cancer mortality rate is estimated to be as high as 90% in sub-Saharan Africa.3 Most of these children present with advanced disease, where disease directed treatment is less likely to be effective,4 and limited availability of medical and supportive care further contribute to poor outcomes.\\xa0

Although progressive medical infrastructure has sprouted across regions of sub-Saharan Africa to help address these disparities, widespread gaps exist in interdisciplinary services. Families of children with cancer face substantial psychosocial, emotional, and spiritual distress. Many families are fortunate to have robust community support, but we must consider how we, as a medical system, can further support families. Our role includes providing comfort to families, especially when curative medical therapy is not an option and a child\\u2019s final days near. We must integrate humanities and holistic support for our families as we scale up global health programs, just as is already done in high income settings.\\xa0

So, when I set my camera aside, I earnestly turned to my local colleagues for their counsel. They grinned as they confirmed the potential value of my blossoming idea. I went to a nearby store where I printed the pictures and purchased basic supplies\\u2014glue, string, tape. We collected old boxes from prior hospital pharmacy deliveries and bought local vibrantly colored fabric\\u2014chitenje\\u2014from the market. From these materials, our first frame was designed. These local materials were obtained on a minimal budget.

I shared the first picture and its frame with our social worker who presented the aunt of P with the picture (Fig 1); P had leukemia and had died recently from complications associated with central nervous system disease. In his picture, there he was, coloring during the event we held a few weeks prior. He wore sunglasses and shared that smirk we had all quickly fallen in love with. As she graciously accepted the frame, the corners of P\\u2019s aunt\\u2019s mouth turned upwards into a rarely seen smile; she bowed her head silently as we spent a moment remembering P and sharing in his memory.

The next week, I had the privilege of joining our team on a bereavement visit to the home of B\\u2019s father. B had recently died at home and our team visited to provide grief support and share prayers together. We sat in a circle on well-worn couches and chairs as B\\u2019s father offered he did not have any physical belongings or keepsakes of his son beyond leftover medical supplies from home wound care management; any clothes or toys were passed along to other children and other families. As he shared with us, he removed a cloth covering their makeshift table to reveal a cardboard box, inside of which he retrieved these remaining medical supplies so they could be given to another family. We pulled out a framed picture of B that was taken before the program had formally started but was printed and framed just as the others. I watched as B\\u2019s father\\u2019s eyes welled up with tears in surprise and gratitude; he accepted the gift and stood to shake each of our hands.

One by one, we started taking more pictures. My colleagues explained the idea of the project as we obtained consent from each new family. Often we were met with a bit of initial skepticism but also willingness to participate. Pictures were taken away from the crowded medical wards and instead in courtyards with benches, grass, and trees as possible. As we delivered the first batches of framed pictures to families, the skepticism was quickly replaced with enthusiasm, and families embraced the program. We could not seem to print consent forms fast enough, as caregivers changed outfits, brushed their hair, and sought us on the wards to request portraits. They claimed their pictures like prizes. Some of the children lived to see them. Others died.

The picture project served as emotional support for families, most of whom had or would lose their children. In time, the program transitioned from volunteers constructing frames to caregivers themselves making the frames together; they sat in open green spaces and connected, providing an organic social support system for one another.\\xa0

With the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, I returned to the United States to continue my training, and my colleagues in Malawi faced new challenges of their own. Just as staffing shifted at my home institution, so too were modifications made in Malawi to optimize patient and team safety. Although our framed photograph program paused similarly to many supportive care programs across the world, months later, my colleague shared a picture with me: a group of caregivers gathered on a lawn, a pile of frames and photographs scattered on the ground, the program restarted, and the memories being created and shared once more.\\xa0

Dr. Lidia Schapira: Hello and welcome to JCO\'s Cancer Stories: The Art of Oncology, which features essays and personal reflections from authors exploring their experience in the field of oncology. I\'m your host, Dr. Lidia Schapira, Associate Editor for Art of Oncology and a professor of medicine at Stanford University. Today, we are joined by Dr. Allison Silverstein, an Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. In this episode, we will be discussing her Art of Global Oncology article, \\u2018Capturing Memories for Children with Cancer in a Low Resource Setting\\u2019.\\xa0

At the time of this recording, our guest has no disclosures.\\xa0

Allison, welcome to our podcast, and thank you for joining us.

Dr. Allison Silverstein: Thank you so much for having me.

Dr. Lidia Schapira: Allison, your essay captures an experience that you had when you were working in Malawi as a medical resident or pediatrics resident. Tell us a little bit about that.

Dr. Allison Silverstein: Thank you. I participated in a four-year pediatrics global health residency where I completed three years of my residency in Houston, Texas, and one year of my residency abroad, working clinically in Lilongwe, Malawi. During that time, I split my time working with children who have HIV, as well as working in the pediatric hematology and oncology wards, both inpatient and outpatient.

Dr. Lidia Schapira: Where did your passion for global health start, and where is it now? Where is it taking you?

Dr. Allison Silverstein: I think I have always had a love of traveling and experiences, learning about new cultures, meeting new people. And when I was in medical school, I participated in a one-week more voluntourism-type trip, admittedly. And I remember handing a woman who had rheumatoid arthritis, like 30 pills of a medication, and leaving that encounter and feeling just gutted that either these medicines would work and in 30 days, she wouldn\'t be able to get more. Or they wouldn\'t work, and she wouldn\'t be able to follow up to try and help relieve her symptoms. And I came back from that trip and was just really excited to engage more in really sustainable practices. And so I\'ve spent about two years cumulatively living abroad in a few different countries in Africa, and that has cultivated a passion for global work in terms of capacity building and policy, done some research, and then more recently, really engaging on a clinical level.\\xa0

Dr. Lidia Schapira: What was it like as a medical resident and practitioner in Malawi?

Dr. Allison Silverstein:\\xa0Gosh, I miss that time so much. Every day I was excited to go into work, and I felt this just passion and, truthfully, a personal value that I was a part of something really meaningful. I worked with just a group of incredible humans in all sorts of different disciplines, and being able to learn together and grow together was amazing. It was admittedly also scary at times. I was a resident and had to really acknowledge my limitations and what my comfort level was, coming from a very different setting. But I think I really ultimately embraced that and grew a lot throughout that experience.

Dr. Lidia Schapira: So, in your essay, you describe meeting kids and families with cancer and introducing to them some new ideas. Tell us a little bit more about that.

Dr. Allison Silverstein: I had a pretty decent camera, very point-and-shoot, knows more than I do about how to take pictures. And I remember participating in what we were calling a palliative care day, where children from their community and their families, as well as some within the hospital, were able to come and just create joy altogether. There was singing, there was dancing, and someone had asked if I would take some pictures to share with potential donors for the program. And, of course, I was ecstatic to get to join and be a part of things. And as I took pictures, I looked at them, and I just had this kind of an aha moment of this blossoming idea that the recipients of these pictures should really be the children and their families. Knowing that most of the children, especially the ones who were there for that particular day, ultimately would die. I approached a few of my Malawian colleagues who were so excited about this idea, and together we put together a project that I think we\'re all really proud of, as it has continued for now a few years and has impacted a lot of families.

Dr. Lidia Schapira: Talk a little bit about this idea of memories and having a photograph that helps families who are grieving keep that memory of their child so present.

Dr. Allison Silverstein: I think in general, in Western societies, within my family and my friends, pictures are such a common way to pay respects and to remember people. When I\'m feeling nostalgic, I go through old pictures. I\'ve lost all four of my grandparents and I\'ll look back at pictures that we took together and it just brings up a lot of memories and a lot of joy of the time that we spent together. With social media, people will post pictures of their loved ones after they die, and I think that\'s such an ingrained part of how we grieve and how we process during bereavement. And the idea to me that someone might not have a camera phone or a camera and therefore might not have any pictures of their loved ones when they die. That concept, when I first thought of it, very much shook me. It rattled me to my core thinking about how meaningful and important those things are for me. And it\'s such a small, simple thing that we absolutely take for granted.

Dr. Lidia Schapira: When we think about resources and disparities or inequities in care, we don\'t usually think about it at this very granular level. I\'m curious to learn a little bit more about how you develop this concept and transformed an idea into really a project and then how you got the project to continue even after you left Malawi.

Dr. Allison Silverstein: It\'s a great question. I think in global work in general, it\'s really important to be intentional about surveying your community about what the needs are and not projecting from your internal opinions what those needs are. And so, of course, I took this picture, and there was this light bulb moment for me, and then I asked myself to step back and say, "Hey, is this truly meaningful? Is this truly valuable? And how can we create something that is sustainable?"\\xa0

So I asked multiple Malawian colleagues who kind of have different roles or disciplines on the team and said, "Hey, this is what I\'m thinking. What do you think? What are your ideas?" And really work collaboratively, knowing I have different perspectives and resources and experiences, and we need to really make it, not me coming in and projecting those things. And so ultimately, everyone was very excited about this idea, and so we started tinkering with a design. Luckily, there was a Kodak store right next to where I got my groceries, and so I was able to print some photos very easily.\\xa0

And then in Malawi, there\'s something called Chitenge, which is this beautiful fabric that people will wear, and it will become different articles of clothing, and you can get yards of the fabric very inexpensively at a market. And so I took some scraps that I had and went to the pharmacy and got some cardboard boxes that were left over from prior delivery. So I was really trying to think about things that would be very low cost and repeatable and ultimately designed the first frame. After we had created this first prototype, we internally, the direct members of the team, were the ones who were making them initially, and we started training volunteers in the hospital. And ultimately, the current iteration is that guardians make their own frames, so they sit on a lawn together, and it serves as this opportunity for them to connect and share and serve as kind of a psychosocial support.\\xa0

This project, we started it towards the end of my time in Lilongwe and with COVID in March of 2020. I was not prepared to be coming back to the US. I was supposed to remain abroad for another month. And I remember getting a call saying, "You need to leave before there aren\'t any more flights." I said, "No, I can\'t. I haven\'t handed off this project yet." And so I met with our team. I created step-by-step instructions on how to make the frames and how to use a camera. They thankfully had a digital camera that they had used for some clinical work previously, and so got those nuts and bolts in place, and then I left.\\xa0

And it was about six months before I received a WhatsApp message from the social worker in Malawi saying, "Your dream lives on." I was at the airport. I don\'t remember where I was flying, and I just started crying. Because this was a project that I thought was valuable, and it was a project that I had engaged with colleagues and felt like they also thought it was valuable. But I wasn\'t sure until that moment that I received that message how meaningful and valuable it was perceived from the team and the families who were there.

Dr. Lidia Schapira: Such a beautiful story, and I\'m so glad that you chose to write and share it with your colleagues and that we were able to give it some exposure in the journal. I wonder if you can share with our listeners what other projects you might be involved with, now, again, thinking globally.

Dr. Allison Silverstein: I am continuing to do some work with the team in Malawi and in Houston on a global scale. I did my fellowship training at University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis and have done some global work with the team at St. Jude. And I\\u2019m now getting established in my new role at University of Colorado. And our pediatric palliative medicine team is exploring our \\u2018what\'s next\\u2019 in terms of being leaders within the global health world. And so a lot of little things in progress and trying to figure out what\'s next.

Dr. Lidia Schapira: What opportunities do you see for collaboration in the area of global health, especially global palliative medicine and oncology, the global health infrastructure?

Dr. Allison Silverstein: The global health infrastructure is rapidly evolving. Even since I finished medical school until now, I\'ve seen changes in resources and in opportunities, and it\'s really inspiring to see. A lot of that focus is on those medical interventions, and I think there\'s a lot of opportunities to think creatively how we can support families beyond just kind of curative or palliative treatment, beyond the medications, beyond the surgery, and think from a very holistic level of involving multiple disciplines and supporting families along their whole journey.

Dr. Lidia Schapira: I wonder if during your time in Malawi and through this project of capturing the photos, framing, and then presenting them to families, you had any personal connection with members of families and if you can share with us perhaps some of their reactions or what they said to you.\\xa0

Dr. Allison Silverstein: I very much tried to be a support system for this program and not the face of this program, and so I tried to take a step back and empower my colleagues to really have an active role in the execution and the vision itself. I shared a couple of meaningful encounters in my narrative. I think one of the really special stories I have actually doesn\'t directly involve me, but I mentioned that I stay in close touch with a social worker in Malawi. And she recently went to a home for a bereavement visit after the passing of a child. And when they entered the home, there were three frames on the wall with pictures that they had taken while the child was alive. And seeing that picture, seeing that moment that the family had recognized the value and taken the initiative to not only accept and embrace these pictures and their frames, but to hang them in their home. That was a really special moment for me.

Dr. Lidia Schapira: It sounds like it\'s been a very moving experience, very meaningful for you. And I wonder if you can reflect a little bit on how this experience perhaps has changed the way you think about palliative medicine and pediatrics.

Dr. Allison Silverstein: I think I have realized how much of our role in medicine is about the little things and recognizing that the little things to me might not be little to someone else. And so taking that moment to listen and to hear a family\'s needs and think creatively and problem solve, no matter what they are articulating, this is something that I really try to practice both in my role in Denver and as I think of other roles that I fill and will grow into. And this project has really helped me frame some of my work in terms of those little things, as well as really enhanced my personal practice of gratitude and appreciation for the little things in my life.

Dr. Lidia Schapira: Allison, thank you so much for your words, your wisdom, and the work that you\'re doing. I hope you continue to be inspired and creative, and I look forward to connecting in the future.

Dr. Allison Silverstein: Thank you so much for having me today and letting me share about this project and my passions.

Dr. Lidia Schapira: Until next time. Thank you for listening to JCO\'s Cancer Stories: The Art of Oncology. Don\'t forget to give us a rating or review, and be sure to subscribe, so you never miss an episode. You can find all of the ASCO shows at\\xa0

The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. This is not a substitute for professional medical care and is not intended for use in the diagnosis or treatment of individual conditions.\\xa0\\xa0

Guests on this podcast express their own opinions, experience, and conclusions. Guest statements on the podcast do not express the opinions of ASCO. The mention of any product, service, organization, activity, or therapy should not be construed as an ASCO endorsement.\\xa0

Show Notes:

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Guest Bio:\\xa0

\\xa0Dr. Allison Silverstein is an Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

See another article in the JCO Global Oncology, Art of Global Oncology section:

Yuan Fen \\u7de3\\u4efd
