The Wrath of a Wraith!

Published: Aug. 3, 2022, 6:59 p.m.


Back in the 16th Century religion was getting well established in Scotland and at the same time so was the legend of this week's cryptid. There is a malevolent spirit out there that for all eternity is searching for and collecting the souls of the living. What are these cryptids called you ask, well they are known as a Wraith. Now I'm sure you might be wondering what these creatures look like, if you\\u2019ve ever watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and remember the Dementors that would be the best thing to visualize. So in this week's episode we cover the history of Wraiths, we cover what they are, if there are different types and also how to fight one off. Take a break and relax while you listen to this week's episode. Enjoy!
