The Fouke Monster of Arkansas!

Published: March 9, 2022, 10:01 p.m.


There is a town in Arkansas called Fouke, it currently has a population of about 850 people so if something ever happened it wouldn't take long for word to spread around. Well in the early 1900's reports of a Wildman living in the forest surrounding the town started to make its way throughout the town. As the years passed more and more sightings were reported until finally an incident in 1971 caught the attention of major news outlets and radio stations among various towns and states. Since this moment many people within the town and multiple tourists have claimed to have their own encounter or sighting of this cryptid. It has since been dubbed the Fouke Monster and even has a movie and festival made about it, but what are the chances of this creature actually being real and even more so what does it want? Take a listen to this week's episode of Campfire Adventure to hear what we think. Enjoy!
