When Is The Right Time To Switch To An S-Corp?

Published: March 2, 2023, 11 a.m.


Business owners often hear they should switch from a Schedule C (or Partnership) to an S-Corp, but when is the perfect time to do so?

In this episode of By the Books, Lindsay Kline is joined by Robert McBride of RAM CPA, PLLC to discuss the concept of switching from being taxed as a sole proprietorship to an S-corp for small business owners. Rob explains how his experience in the Army made him realize the importance of paying the right amount of taxes.

He reveals the key differences between being a Schedule C or S-Corp, noting that an S-Corp can avoid some payroll taxes. Lastly, he advises starting out as an LLC, filing the S election, and speaking with an attorney.

To connect with Rob and find out more information, visit: https://ramcpa76.com/
