Does a Work/Life Balance Exist as an Entrepreneur?

Published: June 16, 2022, 11 a.m.


After his first marriage didn\\u2019t up the way he had hoped, Ken Wimberley made it his mission to continue to follow his passions as an entrepreneur, but also maintain a balance with his family. He didn\\u2019t want to look up one day, and although be making billions, not have a family that the was connected to.

In this episode of By the Books, Ken joins Lindsay to talk about the elusive work/life balance, and how he\\u2019s been able to find it. They also talk about entrepreneurship, and how they\\u2019ve gotten through the harder times because it isn\\u2019t always easy.

Ken also talks about passion, and how he\\u2019s been able to find a link between his passion to businesses that may not feel like there\\u2019s a fit. He also discusses what he\\u2019s excited about now in addition to some of the best advice he\\u2019s ever been given.

Want to connect with Ken, you can find him at:
