Becoming a Hero on a MissionPlay the Hero to Improve Your Story

Published: Feb. 10, 2022, 10 a.m.


When it comes to your own personal story and experiencing a meaningful life, do you feel like things are coming up short? Even if you have a packed schedule, you might still wake up feeling restless, bored or even hopeless. Know that you are not alone. Too many people have lost interest in their own stories. But in this Business Made Simple six-part limited series, we want to help you change that. We want to help you become a hero on a mission.


In the final part of this limited series, Donald Miller talks about the last and most important character in every story- the hero. Playing the hero improves our stories dramatically, but how do we get there? In this episode, Donald walks you through how to embody heroic energy to take control of your life, craft your own meaningful life story, and rise up with courage to change our circumstances.


Dive deeper into crafting a life story filled with meaning and order Hero on a Mission on Amazon, Audible, or wherever you buy books. You will learn to create a life plan, establish a morning ritual and stop playing the victim or villain so you can finally transform into a hero.
