#93: Steve CockramHow to Lead Your Team So Everyone Brings Their Best

Published: April 23, 2018, 9 a.m.


If you want to build a team where everyone feels supported, heard, and ready to tackle big challenges, then you want to listen to this episode of the Building a StoryBrand podcast.

In it, we welcome our correspondent Allison Trowbridge as she talks with GiANT co-founder Steve Cockram. As a expert in both leadership and personality types, Steve walks us through the five different personalities (or \\u201cVoices\\u201d) you\\u2019ll find on every team and how to nurture each one.

In Steve\\u2019s words, \\u201cYou can\\u2019t outsource culture.\\u201d Build a better one by making sure everyone feels safe and supported to contribute their best.

This episode will show you how. Give it a listen!

