#92: Bob GoffLeading Without Fear and Loving Without Limits

Published: April 16, 2018, 9 a.m.


Hustle and grind. Plan out everything. Protect your availability. That\\u2019s the typical advice business leaders get to \\u201cmaximize our efficiency.\\u201d

But there\\u2019s more to life than efficiency.

And no one models this better than Bob Goff, the bestselling author of Love Does. He joins Donald Miller on the podcast for an inspiring conversation about leading well by loving others. It\\u2019s a different kind of mindset that puts people before efficiency and meaning ahead of success.

If you struggle with a fear of failure, if you\\u2019re looking for permission to start that next big thing, or if something about your current way of life just isn\\u2019t working, THIS is the wisdom you need to hear today.

