#87: Carey LohrenzThree Characteristics You Need to Be a Bold Leader

Published: March 12, 2018, 9 a.m.


Why do organizations fail?

For countless reasons, of course, but at the root of every business failure you\\u2019ll find a leader who never gave their team a clear vision.

It sounds so simple, but in practice, only the boldest leaders have the courage to craft a vision and the tenacity to keep their staff focused on it.

So when it comes to bold leadership, you don\\u2019t need to look much farther than today\\u2019s podcast guest, Carey Lohrenz. She was the first female pilot of an F-14 Tomcat, and she knows what it takes to lead well when the pressure\\u2019s on and the stakes are immense.

In today\\u2019s episode, she shares the three characteristics you need to be a bold leader, with practical ways you can develop them.

Listen now, and give yourself a huge boost of motivation this week!

