#86: Todd HermanWhy Youre Setting Goals Wrong (and How to Fix It)

Published: March 5, 2018, 10 a.m.


90 days from now.

It\\u2019s not that far away, is it?

That\\u2019s all the time you need to accomplish a major goal, according to Todd Herman, a performance coach for athletes and business owners. He\\u2019s our guest today on the Building a StoryBrand podcast.

He shares his four-part blueprint for tackling big projects in 90 days instead of letting them languish and stall for an entire year or longer.

He\\u2019ll show you how to make reaching your goals \\u201cinevitable\\u201d by using smarter strategy and a more efficient process -- all in 90 days. If you want to scale your business as efficiently as possible, don\\u2019t miss this interview!

