#85: Tim ArnoldHow to Embrace Tension to Be a Stronger Leader

Published: Feb. 26, 2018, 10 a.m.


Left or right.

Justice or mercy.

Traditional or innovative.

Logic or gut instinct.

We tend to be binary thinkers. We assume things have to be one way or the other.

But this is dangerous, according to Tim Arnold, today\\u2019s guest on the Building a StoryBrand podcast.

To be a better leader -- both at work and at home -- we need to embrace healthy tension. We need to learn to see life\\u2019s decisions not as \\u201ceither/or\\u201d but as \\u201cboth/and.\\u201d

When we do, we give ourselves a massive competitive advantage. We unlock a new level of leadership and creativity. Our businesses (and our lives) can breathe and be healthy.

If some area of your life or business has plateaued and you don\\u2019t know why, listen to this episode. It\\u2019s nuanced, it\\u2019s practical, and it may just be the \\u201caha\\u201d moment you need to truly start thriving.

