#80: Bryan Miles5 Surprising Ways a Smart Assistant Will Simplify Your Life

Published: Jan. 22, 2018, 10 a.m.


For your business to truly thrive, you\\u2019ve got to be good at delegation. You know this. But it\\u2019s so hard to relinquish control of your email, your calendar, and your travel. You\\u2019ve bought into the myth that only you can do it all, and it\\u2019s sucking the life out of you.

A personal assistant can help -- but only if you set up the relationship in a healthy way. To help us, Donald Miller sits down with Bryan Miles. His company, Belay Solutions, helps high-performing executives achieve more by pairing them with top-notch virtual assistants.

In this episode of the Building a StoryBrand podcast, they discuss the 5 key ways you can create a positive and productive relationship with your assistant, even if you\\u2019ve been reluctant to delegate in the past.

Stop trying to do it all. Listen to this episode, and you\\u2019ll unlock new levels of freedom, creativity, and value for your business.

