#78: Daniel PinkHow to Stop Wasting Time and Start Wielding It

Published: Jan. 8, 2018, 10 a.m.


Do you always feel like you\\u2019re short on time?

Most days, it seems like there just aren\\u2019t enough hours in the day to accomplish everything that matters to us.

But what if the problem isn\\u2019t how many hours we have \\u2014 but how we\\u2019re using them?

That\\u2019s the big idea from Daniel Pink, our guest today on the StoryBrand podcast. Daniel has done the research and studied the science, and it turns out that certain times are better than others for doing different types of work.

Donald Miller sits down with Daniel to help you finally understand the smart way to structure your time. He points out the common time management mistakes he sees and how to fix them. And he shows you a simple way to pay attention to your natural rhythms, so you can maximize your productivity and creativity every day.

The quest for the ideal schedule ends here! Listen to this episode to stop the constant stress of the time crunch. Then watch your days (and your life!) transform.

