#74: Jerry LinengerHow to Accomplish Your Mission Under Extreme Pressure

Published: Dec. 11, 2017, 10 a.m.


You don\\u2019t get to meet an astronaut everyday. They\\u2019re really special people who beat terrific odds (less than 1%) to get where they are.

So what an honor it is to have Astronaut Jerry Linenger on the podcast. He was sent on some of the most dangerous and historical space missions of all time. Jerry has faced mechanical malfunctions, fires and system failures all while in space.

While you might not have to put out a space fire this week, we all have faced extreme pressures before. The principles Jerry used to accomplish his missions won\\u2019t only work for him. They\\u2019ll help you bring a stronger sense of purpose to your business, too \\u2014 no matter what the odds are.

