#72: Todd Duncan5 Rules That Will Help You Attract Loyal Customers

Published: Nov. 27, 2017, 4:58 p.m.


How much can poor customer service cost you?

The answer is more than you think. Donald Miller sits down with Todd Duncan, author of The $6,000 Egg. A best-selling author and thought-leader in the sales industry, Todd outlines five scenarios that illustrate the five rules of spectacular customer service. When you apply them, you\\u2019ll bring in loyal customers and create trust in your company. \\xa0

Customer service is the bedrock of your brand. If your team takes ownership of your company\\u2019s values and delivers wonderful service to your customers, you\\u2019ll see exponential growth in your business. You\\u2019ll also discover that almost every aspect of your company runs smoother.

