#64: Al Andrews10 Things Powerful People Can Do to Not Screw Up Their Lives

Published: Oct. 2, 2017, 9 a.m.


Being successful isn\\u2019t always what it\\u2019s cracked up to be.

I mean, look at the headlines. We can all name a few celebrities who crumbled under the pressure of fame and fortune.

While well-known artists may deal with the problems of success on an amplified level, most successful leaders have similar struggles and are in danger of the same downfalls.

That\\u2019s why I\\u2019m so excited about this week\\u2019s episode on the Building a StoryBrand podcast. I sit down with Al Andrews, the founder and executive director of Porter\\u2019s Call, a service that counsels and supports recording artists. Al has a client list with names you\\u2019d certainly recognize so he\\u2019s very familiar with the problems fortune brings. As he shares his wisdom about how he helps his clients stay healthy and grounded, you\\u2019ll find help as a leader too.

After listening to this episode, you\\u2019ll learn 10 paradigm shifts you need to make as a leader on the road to success.

