#60: Chase Reeves4 Steps That Will Make You a Successful Entrepreneur

Published: Sept. 4, 2017, 9 a.m.


Do you feel like your job isn\\u2019t what you should be doing? Perhaps you have a side hustle that you wish could be your main hustle? Or you have an entrepreneurial itch that just won\\u2019t go away?

If so, you\\u2019d probably like some help in making your business dreams a reality. Someone who can guide your through the journey from beginning to end.

That\\u2019s why I\\u2019m happy to have Chase Reeves joining us on the Building a StoryBrand podcast. He\\u2019s a co-founder of Fizzle and their mission is to help you earn a living independently doing something you care about. In this episode, he outlines four steps to start you down the right path.

Follow these simple steps and you\\u2019ll discover there\\u2019s wonderful wisdom in them. They will spark your business dreams to life and make your entrepreneurial journey a success.

