#58: Craig RossTeams That Do Big Things Take These 7 Steps

Published: Aug. 21, 2017, 9 a.m.


Do you and your team members suffer from DSD \\u2014 Distracted, Stressed, and Disconnected?\\xa0

Sure, you believe in what your team is doing. And you believe in the people on your team. But it feels like no matter how hard you all work, the results keep eluding you.

Worse, you go home exhausted and give your family the only thing you\\u2019ve got \\u2026 leftovers. You\\u2019d love to find a way to turn your team around, but how?

On the podcast this week, Donald Miller interviews Craig Ross, one of the authors of Do Big Things: The Simple Steps Teams Can Take to Mobilize Hearts and Minds, and Make an Epic Impact. \\xa0

Craig is wanting teams to get big results without losing their souls. He\\u2019ll take you through 7 essential steps teams must execute to do extraordinary things while making DSD a thing of the past. When your team has heart, you\\u2019ll not only get the job done, you\\u2019ll become legendary within your company and your family.

