#177: Jon GordonHow to Create a Positive Team Culture

Published: Dec. 2, 2019, 10 a.m.


No one creates success alone. And the most successful teams are positive ones that are continuously strive to get better. But how do you create a positive culture of growth when we\\u2019re hard-wired for negativity and competition? On today\\u2019s podcast, Jon Gordon, a world leader on executing positivity, shows you the role \\u201cpositive discontent\\u201d can play in creating connection and commitment in your organization. He\\u2019s seen it work with his corporate clients like Dell as well as sports teams like the Rams, Clemson, Dodgers, Heat and the Pacers. He says what you believe ultimately determines what you create, and in this episode, he shares practical tips on how to do it.
