#174: Dr. Kelly GoldsmithCan Scarcity Make Your Marketing More Generous?

Published: Nov. 11, 2019, 10 a.m.


What will your customers lose if they don\\u2019t make a timely decision to buy your product or service? That\\u2019s the power of scarcity, and it\\u2019s one of the oldest tools in the marketer\\u2019s box. But how has this seminal marketing principle evolved now that the way people consume has changed so dramatically?\\xa0

That\\u2019s why we\\u2019re excited to welcome Dr. Kelly Goldsmith to the podcast. She\\u2019s an award-winning Yale-educated behavioral scientist (and former Survivor contestant) who examines scarcity\\u2019s seemingly paradoxical effects. You\\u2019ll rethink what scarcity looks like in your marketing after this.
