#13: Brian ClarkHow to Win Big With Content Marketing

Published: Aug. 15, 2016, 8 a.m.


Would you propose on a first date?
Of course not, but that's how many businesses approach marketing. You get a lead and immediately start asking for the sale.
In this episode of Building a Story Brand, Donald Miller talks with Brian Clark of Copyblogger about a better way to approach sales \\u2014 with a strong content marketing strategy.
He'll show you exactly how to understand your customer, forge a relationship, and build trust \\u2014 all by sharing your expertise for free.
Best of all? We get into the specifics of how to transform that trust into sales over time.
If you know it's time to start or improve your content marketing, but you're not sure what to do next, this episode will take all the mystery out of it so you can build a stronger business with content marketing.