Learn Their Plan "Time is Almost Over" w/ Deborah Tavares (1of2)

Published: Dec. 31, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

b'Part 1: Activist and researcher, Deborah Tavares, joins the program to share her long journey towards unraveling the truth. She explains how truth often starts with trauma, then moves on to enlightenment and inner strength. No matter where the truth goes, we cannot hide from it if we are to protect our families and bring peace to the world. This is a sober interview, but take what you can, do your own study, and use it to empower yourself to make moves that better your life and the lives of others. You can see more of Deborah Tavares\'s work at http://StopTheCrime.net

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Deborah Tavares Biography
Deborah Tavares is a 3rd generation land developer of residential construction and has been self\\u2010employed in a family operated business for over 30 years. She specialized in land feasibility studies, acquisitions and building permit processes, including required Environmental Impact Reports (EIR), along with furnishing Department of Real Estate (DRE) subdivision requirements and the entire construction build\\u2010out to completion. It was during this process that the restrictions of property rights became evident under the creeping constraints of the United Nation\\u2019s AGENDA 21, through land use limitations, restrictions, regulations, fees and increased liability exposures. Deborah is spreading the word, exposing the connections between mysterious global trends of man\\u2010made and corporate/military controlled technologies, weaponized frequencies, the falsified science of the \\u201cglobal warming\\u201d movement, and other major programs intended to cause damage to health and reduce the population and to eliminate freedom for all people for all time. A primary example of this is the multi\\u2010national program to install electromagneticradiation\\u2010emitting electric meters (Smart Meters) and programs that will create scarcity of electricity, gas and water. Deborah\\u2019s highly visible opposition to Smart Meters has been heard on national and international radio shows, digital media, magazine and newspaper coverage, a discussion with Ted Turner\\u2014Depopulation 95%/Cannibalism (on YouTube\\u2014Ted The Terrible Turner), Russia TV (RT) television coverage at Bohemian Grove/2011, smart meter protests, community awareness campaigns and countless city, county and public utility meetings.'