Speaking on Business: LDS Business College

Published: June 23, 2020, 1 p.m.

This is Derek Miller Speaking on Business. Like all higher education institutions, the LDS Business College had to quickly adapt to providing remote learning for its students. Through innovation, the College continues to maintain a first-class learning experience, and President Bruce Kusch is here to tell us more. BRUCE KUSCH With only a few days’ notice, we went from being a vibrant downtown campus to teaching and learning remotely. Students and employees responded well, and we’ve learned essential lessons about rising to meet the unexpected, improving collaboration, and making rapid change under difficult circumstances. We’re grateful to announce a careful return to campus for the fall semester and will take every precaution to assure health and safety, using remote technology for instruction as needed. It’s important to us to maximize the immersive, hands-on instructional opportunities that are a core tenant of our institution during this challenging time, and the College continues to explore innovative ways to do so. These adaptations have all come as we are also preparing to implement significant institutional changes. On September 1st LDS Business College will become Ensign College, and in the fall of 2021 we will begin offering several bachelor’s degrees. DEREK MILLER The LDS Business College offers a diverse, but affordable, educational experience for its students and continues to lead the way with teaching strategies that provide real-world experience and prepares students and Utah for the future. I’m Derek Miller with the Salt Lake Chamber, and this is Speaking on Business. Originally Aired: June 23, 2020.