Speaking on Business: Alpine Technical Services

Published: Jan. 4, 2021, 2:55 p.m.

This is Derek Miller Speaking on Business. ATS is a Utah-based manufacturer and supplier of COVID-killing disinfectant solutions as well as safety, personal protective equipment, and water purification products. Richard Allred, CEO of ATS, is here to tell us more about what they are doing in response to COVID-19 to enable businesses and consumers to safely disinfect without putting human health at risk. RICHARD ALLRED The COVID pandemic has accelerated the importance of continuous disinfection of facilities, but it has also cast a light on the harmful human health risks stemming from exposure to traditional disinfectant chemicals. At ATS, we are shifting disinfection practices from hazardous to non-hazardous, toxic to non-toxic, and corrosive to non-corrosive. Exposure to harmful disinfectant chemicals is much like involuntary exposure to secondhand smoke and the associated systemic health risks. ATS allows businesses and consumers to safely disinfect without compromising bacterial and viral kill strength and to simplify the application process in a way that does not require eye, skin or respiratory protection equipment and can be performed without post-application wiping or rinsing. ATS is helping communities kill COVID without putting human health at risk. DEREK MILLER The pandemic is highlighting a significant rise in accidental human poisonings caused by hazardous disinfection chemicals and practices, and we are encouraged by the awareness ATS is promoting to protect our communities while we combat COVID-19 transmission on surfaces. Learn more at atssmartsolutions.com. I am Derek Miller with the Salt Lake Chamber, and this is Speaking on Business. Originally Aired: December 30, 2020.