The Secret Art of Leveraging People

Published: June 10, 2021, 10 a.m.

In this episode of The Building Freedom podcast, Randy talks about leveraging people to free up your time so you can create a great client experience and grow the business. To give context Randy shares a short story about one of his clients that was a little nervous to start bringing on new people because they believed that it would cost them money that they didn't have but once they took the leap, it was very evident to them that it didn't cost them anything because having extra people gives them the ability to go out and get more work. One of the things that Randy has noticed after years of helping contractors get to that next level is that fear and uncertainty is the biggest threat to their success. The best way to get through the fear is by using the 3 C’s (Clarity, Confidence, and Courage). Getting clarity around how to do the things you want to do in your business gives you confidence that it is possible which in turn gives you the courage to give it a shot even if you are unsure of the outcome.

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