Successful Marketing Strategies for Contractors

Published: March 23, 2020, 4 a.m.

In this episode, Randy talks with Mark Levesque. Mark is head of sales and client development at Webrunner Media. At Webrunner, they believe there’s a better way for home improvement contractors to market their services online. A less chaotic, more reliable way to generate quality leads that allow for sustained growth over the long term. They’re obsessively passionate about it, and it led them to develop a marketing system made exclusively for contractors so that they can spend less time worrying about leads and more time booking jobs and delivering great work.

In this episode you can expect to hear:

  • When Webrunner started they did not have any intentions of being a contractor focused marketing agency, they worked with anyone they could get their hands on, but they noticed that the contracting world was where they had the biggest impact and decided to niche down and really focus in on that. 
  • The one to many marketing strategy is based around finding the one type of client that could lead to other opportunities to do business with.
  • One of the most critical things we go over when we start talking about marketing is knowing your avatar ( your ideal client ). This allows you to spend your marketing dollars more effectively because you can speak directly to them. 
  • Webrunner provides a service that can help you niche down your marketing efforts.
  • Anything that’s not inline with the bigger vision is simply a distraction. 
  • There are a whole bunch of marketing metrics that some business owners pay a lot of attention to that don’t move the needle in their business like how many likes on Facebook, your reach, impressions, and clicks. All of those metrics mean nothing to the growth of your business.
  • The metrics that do matter are cost per client acquisition for every individual campaign.
  • When you’re looking at the cost of acquisition another really important thing to consider is the lifetime value of a client because if you have a really good system in place that allows you to acquire long term relationships with your clients it’s less scary to spend more money on trying to acquire clients because you know you can keep them.
  • As a business owner when you’re focused on managing upset instead of creating a wow experience for your clients it dramatically reduces your ability to create a “WOW” experience for your clients and that drastically reduces the lifetime value of your clients. 
  • Be there for your potential clients every step of the buying process even before they ever spend money with you.
  • “When a client feels like you understand their problems better than they do that’s when trust is built” 

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