Optimizing Your Business

Published: Dec. 31, 2021, 10 a.m.

In this episode of The Building Freedom podcast, Randy and his guest Warren King talk about Warren’s journey so far being a part of the Freedom Builders Program, and how it has impacted his business and life in the last few months. When Warren first joined the program his goal was to develop a new branch of the business that focuses on building custom homes. After taking a better look at his business with Randy, Warren came to the realization that there was still a lot he could do to optimize and grow his current business before looking to add a new division.

For the remainder of the episode, Randy and Warren go more into detail about the things that 4 Level Coach has been able to do to transform his mindset and beliefs about his business in such a short time.

Warren King is a managing member of Rose Homes that specializes in urban redevelopment. Instead of building homes from the ground up as most builders do, Rose Homes reuses existing infrastructure to build their homes so they can reduce the negative environmental impact their work has on the community. Warren has 39 years of experience under his belt and is one of the best at what he does.

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