How to Build Your Business Even During a Crisis

Published: May 4, 2020, 9 a.m.

In this episode, Randy talks with Zoey Tayler. Zoey is a marketer who loves helping businesses get noticed and found by their ideal clients. At Intrigue Media, they specialize in working with businesses that are going after the homeowner with generating quality leads on a consistent basis. In the community, she is a committee member with the Women In Industry group with the West End Home Builders Association, on the membership committee for the Burlington Chamber of Commerce, and on the marketing committee for the Citizens for Cambridge group.

What you can expect to hear in this episode:

  • Intrigue Media is a full-service digital marketing company that focuses exclusively on businesses that go after the homeowner.
  • Since Intrigue Media has been around for about 12 years working in one specific industry they have mastered and field-tested methods of producing results in their niche, that has proven to be a valuable resource for their clients. 
  • One of the biggest contributors to intrigue media’s success is the fact that even though they can do a bunch of different things for different industries, they chose to niche down and become experts at doing one thing really well for one group of people.
  • One roadblock that Intrigue usually faces when starting out with a new client is that they often have way too broad of a focus rather than targeting their best clients, they want to target everyone and this more often than not will lead to poor results. 
  • Now that COVID -19 is upon us it's a great time for business owners to focus on figuring out who their ideal clients are and creating content that speaks directly to them so that their business can survive through these uncertain times and thrive once things go back to normal. 
  • Even if you don’t have the money to pay professionals to create content for you, there are tons of free resources like Youtube that can teach you how to do it yourself the way the professionals do.
  • The thing with content creation is that one piece of content can be repackaged into many different forms, for example, a video can be converted into a podcast that can then be transcribed into a blog post that can be used to create multiple social media posts, and so on.
  • An area of marketing that is often overlooked by a lot of businesses is building an email list that will help them get in front of their past, present and future clients in a more personal way that adds value to their clients.  

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