How The 'One To Many' Strategy Can Double Your Contracting Business

Published: April 13, 2020, 2 p.m.

In this episode, Randy talks with Jon TenBrinke. Jon is a co-founder of Black Jack Contracting, he’s been in the game since high school. He spent his junior and senior years doing two things: playing football and taking the first steps to becoming an electrician. After graduating he began his apprenticeship, got his license at the age of 24 there for making him the youngest master electrician in Ontario’s history. After 7 years of running this electrical contracting business, the opportunity presented itself to get into the general contracting game and for the past 3 years, he’s been doing just that.

What you can expect to hear in this episode:

  • Jon co-founded BlackJack Contracting on a bet, that he made with his friend, interestingly enough that’s how the company got its name.
  • Jon started his first business (the electrical business) at the young age of 25 because he got annoyed at how his previous boss was running the show. At the time Jon set the record or being the youngest master electrician in Ontario so he had lots of confidence in his ability to do the work but was in for a big surprise on how difficult it was to run a successful business. 
  • After the initial struggles that Jon faced in starting his electrical business, he transferred what he learned into the creation of Black Jack, as a result, he made far fewer mistakes but still found himself having tax issues and accounting problems because there was still so much he didn’t know.
  • Despite not knowing all the ins and outs of the business side of things the company continued to grow solely because of the great quality of work that Jon and his team were doing.
  • When Jon came to the realization that in order to take the business to the place he wanted to take it he would need to get a better understanding of how the business side of things worked so he dove deep into books, podcasts and any content he could get his hands on about business. 
  • After his first session with Randy, he walked away with the “One To Many” strategies that basically says “ find the one type client that leads to many other opportunities for future business”. In Jon’s case that was Realestate investors.
  • Jon took this one strategy and ran with it, by his next session 6 weeks later he had sold $700,000 worth of new business.
  • Jon immediately niched down the company to the point where they only work with real estate investors.
  • Once Jon let go of the fear of missing out on the revenue he could get if he served non-investors as well he found that everything became a lot easier, his marketing spends dropped to almost nothing and his business was growing faster then ever, simply because the marketplace now recognized him as an expert.
  • One of the biggest struggles we run into as entrepreneurs is not being able to let go and delegate tasks to others because “no one can do it as well as we can”. One we get over that way of thinking more often than not we find that others can do a much better job than us because they don’t have a million other things they need to be doing. Currently, that’s what Jon is working on within his business and he’s seeing a massive improvement in his happiness and the time he gets to spend with is family. 

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