Extend Your Career As A Construction Contractor

Published: March 30, 2020, noon

In this episode, Randy talks with Todd Macalister. Todd is the CEO and co-founder of Fountain Life alongside Bob Harary, Peter Diamandis and Tony Robin. Fountain life is discovering and developing treatments for aging-associated diseases. They have built a transformative model of aging that re-creates many of the complex hallmark features of aging but in a laboratory dish. They are combining this powerful cellular model with the latest in artificial intelligence and computer vision to develop a disruptive unbiased platform for the identification of novel targets and potential therapeutics. We work toward our vision of a future in which we extend healthy lifespan and slow aging itself

As an entrepreneur in the construction industry, you physically work hard day in and day out. Typically, it’s only a matter of time before the industry’s physical effects limit your career earning potential. 

What you can expect to hear in this episode:

  • Fountain very simply put is an aging and longevity company that is trying not only to improve their client’s lifespan but also to improve their healthspan.
  • The work that Todd and his team do is looking to give you back 5 years of still being able to earn an income and enjoy a longer healthier life.
  • Fountain takes a proactive approach to slowing the effects of aging rather than a reactive approach, like most of its competitors.
  • One of the cornerstones of Fountains business is early and broad diagnostics that prescreen clients to find any unexpected illnesses so they can be taken care of immediately.  
  • An early start and getting educated on the options that are out there for reducing the effects of aging is the equivalent to starting to save for retirement at age 35 rather than at age 55.
  • The fundamental things you can be doing today to change the trajectory of the rate of your aging is something that we all already know we should be doing and that is eating better and exercising, of all the anti-aging tools out there, that one is still the most effective.
  • Proper sleep is also a massive component that gets overlooked. As entrepreneurs, we pride ourselves on burning the midnight oil and functioning on very little sleep, the science is showing how more and more that actually reduces your lifespan.
  • From an evolutionary standpoint, we are wired to get short-term rewards for the things that harm our body most whereas the rewards for the actions that move us in the right direction tend to have longer-term rewards and that’s why it’s so hard to break bad habits.
  • Fountain utilizes this same technique to give their users short-term gratification on the actions that will ultimately yield long term health rewards as well.

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