5 Step Formula To Transform Your Business

Published: June 17, 2021, 10 a.m.

In this episode of The Building Freedom podcast, Randy and his guest Ryan McCue talk about Ryan’s journey so far being a part of the Buillinging Freedom program. Ryan starts by talking about how transformative it was for him to actually sit down and put together a blueprint that allows him to break down his big goals into more actionable activities that he can do day to day to accomplish his goal as fast as possible. Next Randy talks about the Five-Step Formula that he takes his clients through to transform their businesses. Ryan then gives examples of how he has started to implement each step in his business and the impact it has had so far. 

The Five-Step Formula is:

Step 1: The Radical Shift In Mindset And Belief
Step 2: Leveraging People To Free Up Your Time
Step 3: Systematizing Everything
Step 4: Creating A One Ecosystem Jobsite
Step 5: The Client Acquisition Machine 

Ryan McCue, co-founder, and creator of Tiny Home Connection. Ryan has been building and creating since he was in diapers. Born and raised in Golden, Colorado, McCue is no stranger to the quick and fast development that the state has seen over the last few years. One of his first jobs put him in the heart of new builds and developing neighborhoods as a home inspector. Very quickly he saw the lack of quality and craftsmanship in these homes that seemed to be growing exponentially since they were being built by large companies that only seemed focused on land grabbing and fast ROI. There was no consideration for what’s going on around the development or the communities that they impacted so Ryan set out on his own to do something about it and that's how Tiny Home Connection came to be.

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