Lighting 101Recessed lights, LEDs, and MoreBYHYU 103

Published: Feb. 7, 2018, 10:30 a.m.


I love lighting fixtures.\\xa0 I\\u2019d have a beautiful chandelier in almost every room of the house, if I could.\\xa0 But there\\u2019s more to lighting than pretty fixtures.\\xa0 Lighting is first and foremost functional.\\xa0 I briefly covered lighting in episode 25 called \\u201c8 Kitchen Design Mistakes to Avoid\\u201d.\\xa0 Mistake #6 was \\u201cGoing Light on Lighting.\\u201d\\xa0 That\\u2019s not what we want to do in the kitchen or any other place in the house.\\xa0

In this week\\u2019s mini lesson, we\\u2019ll go over the basic rules to follow when choosing lighting for your new home.\\xa0 Now,\\xa0 an electrician or lighting designer will be invaluable in making specific suggestions your project, but today we\\u2019ll cover some general guidelines.\\xa0

As with most guidelines, experts sometimes disagree.\\xa0 I noticed when doing my research that one website might have slightly different guidelines and advice than another.\\xa0 So the tips and rules that I\\u2019ll outline today may be just a little different from what you read or hear elsewhere, but this information should help give you some basic, practical tips that will get you on the right path to a well lit home.\\xa0

We\\u2019ll talk about the different categories of lighting, where to put warm white light as opposed to cool white light, and we\\u2019ll go into what size recessed lights (can lights) are best and how you should space them.

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