256: 10 Steps To Creating a Quiz Lead Magnet that SELLS Your Offers

Published: Feb. 27, 2024, 11 a.m.


Are you looking to grow your email list this year? Quizzes have a MUCH higher conversion rate than the typical lead magnet, and in this episode, I'm walking you through EXACTLY how you can create one for your business!

I've been creating quizzes since the beginning of 2018, so over five years now. Since then, I've made new quizzes, revamped quizzes, and helped other business owners make quizzes for their businesses through my quiz website template bundle for Showit.

I get asked about creating a quiz lead magnet a lot because it can be tough to know where to get started. So in this episode, I'm taking you step by step (in tons of detail) through the quiz creation process that I've used to create high-converting quiz lead magnets that are also fun and help make sales in my business. And I want the same for you.

But hey - before we get into all the step-by steps to create a quiz lead magnet, I want to make sure that you know I\\u2019ve created a quiz add-on template that can be added to ANY Showit website. With three results pages, over 10 quiz cover style options, a quiz embed page, and more, this will save you a TON of time getting your new quiz lead magnet set up.

Use code MAKEAQUIZ to get 15% off as my way of saying thank you for being a loyal listener!\\xa0

Links Mentioned:

Take the Website Personality Quiz at https://elizabethmccravy.com/quiz to get your FREE Canva templates, 10% off of your website template, a free month of Showit, and a full brand profile for your business!  
